Monday, August 14, 2006

The Opportunity Assesment Framework

Here is a framework I developed last year for one of the entrepreneurship classes. We used this to evaluate the potential of triple play services over WiMax as a new business concept.

1. What is The Idea
1.1 What are the market opportunities and what the solution might be? What makes it particularly compelling?
1.2 Do you have personal experiences with this market area?
1.3 Is there existing intellectual property that you must license or new intellectual property you must develop?
1.4 Has anyone tried something like this before?
1.5 Previous developments in this area
2. The Opportunity
2.1 Opportunity Recognition:
2.1.1 Trends
2.1.2 High Speed Internet (Broadband)
2.1.3 IPTV
2.1.4 Telephone services (VOIP)
2.2 IPTV Projections
2.3 Wireless
3. The Market Space
3.1 Positioning
3.2 Emerging Markets
3.3 Competitive analysis
3.3.1Relative cost
3.3.2 Service
3.3.3 Name recognition
3.3.4 Features
3.4 Possible market entrants:
3.4.1 Differentatiation Strategy
3.4.2 Cost Leadership Strategy
3.5 Competitive advantage matrix
3.6 Barriers to entry for competitors
3.6.1 Challenges posed by Wireless triple play services:
3.6.2 Custom built DRG
4. The Customer Space
4.1 Target Market:
4.2 What the customer needs
4.3 Why does the customer need it
4.4 Benefits of WiMAX
4.5 What is customer using today?
4.6 How the customers will be reached
4.7 Market Segment
5. Partners and Allies
6. Business Model
6.1 Revenue Model
6.2 Distribution Model
6.3 Production Model
7. Risk Analysis
7.1 Risk Summary
7.1.1 Financial Risk
7.1.2 Technological Risk
8. References
9. Appendix
9.1 Analyzing Emerging Markets: Lithuania
9.2 Number of subscribers per package
9.3 Revenue per package per year
9.4 Anticipated Growth
9.5 Sample Scenario Conclusions


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