Thursday, August 24, 2006

Why Read?

To re-iterate the title with some expletives. Why the f#ck read? It takes up alot of valuable time that could be spent learning something.
After watching Guy Kawalaski's video (link in previous post) where he creatively illustrates the chief principles of his book, incidentelly the one recommended for last years ICT Business Opportunities course that I never got time to read!!, I realised that the 45 minutes I spent listening and watching that video would have commensurated to reading the preface and maybe half way throught the second chapter time wise. But in terms of learning it was worth 3 ingeminations of the book.
It gives so much more to get it not only summarised with concise examples but also straight from the horses mouth.
I'm sure Guy would have loved to write a 30 page book on his 11 main principles. But a 30 page book doesn't sell. Infact it's not even a book its a pamphlet to most people!

I'm currently reading a book on grammar, yes a book! Its called 'Eats, shoots and leaves'. Why grammar guidlines can't be put in bullet point form in a nice concise 15 page "pamhlet" I'll never know. Instead I'm forced to read 200+ pages filled with irrelavent info and silly anecdotes so that Lynne Truss can charge a book price!
Less is more, books bore! Video is the dillio!


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