Thursday, September 28, 2006

Write it before you type it!

Having seen my Director always write his findings, recommendations and reports down before having his PA type them up I had thought he was just lazy. But having been forced to do the same (without the PA) due to a non-starting computer I began to see there might be something more to this...
As I wrote I felt an immediate flow of creative thought being effortlessly transcribed to paper. It reminded me of those school days when my essays often won best prize. There was no inhibitive chunk of plastic and clunky keys to repress my flow of ideas....
Oh wait a minute, synonym check that word doesn't look high-quality,
ah i selled that wrong backspace-backspace-backspace,
sh*t i missed aspace, left-arrow left-arrow
I'm sure you can all relate to this. Just in this paragragh I have done it several times.
I'm not sawing gather all your computers and toss them into a burning inferno like the bra burning feminists of the sixties. But give a thought to using the old papyrus and quill for those creative pieces that require original thinking. I guarantee you will notice a positive difference.


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