Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Its not what you know..

In todays information society, those who are best informed will lead the pack. Unlike only a few decades earlier anyone can gain access to any public information. No longer is it limited to a select elite.
This has created a parigm shift. No longer should there be a need to learn off facts and stories and dates, as was forced upon us during school. Using the internet and with todays hyper speeds we can have the knowledge infront of us as fast if not faster than if we were to regurrgetate it from memory.
It has now become a case of Not what we know, but what ways we know how to find what!

So on that point here are some tips for using Google more effectively:

synonyms ~house searches for home and all its synonyms (e.g. Home, residence, lodging,..)

numeration 2000..2006 searches for the range between 2000 and 2006 (e.g 2000, 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006)

wildcard "You'll * me at the *" searches using * as the wilcard


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