Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Value-based pricing

Working on my thesis now I'm trying to find the best price for for a new software product. Traditional pricing has been based on the cost of production plus all expenses to get it to the customer. However, there may be a better approach to making the customer buy..

Value-based pricing is a method of pricing products in which companies first try to determine how much the products are worth to their customers. The goal is to avoid setting prices that are either too high for customers or lower than they would be willing to pay if they knew what kind of benefits they could get by using a product.

For example, one pharmaceutical maker priced a new antiulcer drug, but not by adding up the costs of developing and manufacturing the medication and tacking on the amount of profit it wanted to make.

Instead, the company used value-based pricing techniques to justify a higher price than it might otherwise have been able to get from medical insurers. Its weapon: studies that showed the new drug could help patients avoid expensive surgery, which in turn would lower costs for the insurance companies.


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